Saturday 15 February 2014

Bem Brasil

Today James and I went to Bem Brasil for lunch. It's an all you can eat Brazilian restaurant. I did plan to take photos of all the food I ate, but I felt too self conscious, so no pics today.

If you've never been to Bem Brasil before, I think you should try it because it's awesome. It's not like your typical all you can eat buffet - they do have a buffet stand with salads and stuff but the main bulk of your eating  is served by waiters. They come around the tables with all different slabs of meat and cut it off for you if you want some. And there's a lot of meat. We had lamb and sirloin and pork ribs and sausage and chicken wrapped in pancetta and garlic beef and chilli beef and steak with cheese and and... gammon and rump steak and and loadsa meats. 

When you eat meats your brain releases endorphins. So basically I got high off food. I'm not exaggerating; I genuinely am not thinking in my normal rational manner.

And then at the end they bring cinnamon pineapple, which is probably the best food in the world. It is probably worth paying the £13 and sitting out all of the meat courses just for some cinnamon pineapple. They put a cinnamon coating on a pineapple and grill it. It is indescribably good.

Then we wandered around Manchester in a bit of a daze and we went in the sweet shop but then we realised that we couldn't face more food and then I had to go find some Irn Bru, which was surprisingly difficult.

And because four people I know have birthdays coming up, I thought I'd have a look to see if there was anything good to get for their presents. But then I remembered that present shopping with no ideas for what to buy is a really stoopid idea so we gave up on that sharpish. Manchester Arndale is a surprisingly disappointing place for present shopping and the meat daze made the crowd annoyingly difficult to negotiate so we decided to go home.

Then the bus driver decided to mind game me by charging '64 bob' for our fare. At first I wasn't sure that was actually what he said, like maybe I was really high and my mind had invented it. Then when he qualified '64 shillings' it took me half a second to remember that shillings went out of use before I was born. And even though I know one shilling is 5p, I still couldn't work out how much that is in real money. Especially absent minded of me as I already knew how much it would cost before flagging the bus down in the first place.

So since we got home, we've not really done anything. But in a fun way. We sat in our bed tent and watched The Wolf of Wall Street, and have decided never to eat again.

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