Wednesday 19 February 2014


Today Mummy taught me how to knit. I did plan on showing how in pictures, but it's really hard to take photos of it when you don't have a good camera. It doesn't like to focus and the flash is too bright. I'll take some pictures of how to knit maybe another time.

I acquired these knitting needles a few months ago. Granny didn't want them anymore.

Mummy showed me how to cast on and then how to make the next row of stitches.

Then I was on a roll :)

And after ninety minutes or so I'd done this much!

Yeah, knitting takes a long time. It was about then that I tried to move my fingers and realised that I couldn't. Mummy said it was because I'm not used to it.

So I had a little break and then I carried on.

After a while it occurred to me that if I took my knitting off its needle the whole thing would unravel, so there must be another thing to learn. Mummy called it casting off. It was a bit tricky at first - you have to make two stitches, then pull the first one over the second one and off the needle, without dropping the second one. Then you make a third stitch and pull the second one over it and drop it. And so on. But my fingers wouldn't move properly so Mummy finished it for me. 

My piece took about two and a half hours, and it's not very big. It must take years to knit a jumper! Here's the thing I made.

It would seem that I managed to make more stitches on each row. Maybe next time I'll find a simpler wool to use. This one's got two different types of thread wrapped around each other, which is pretty but not all that good for beginners.

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