Friday 14 February 2014

Bed Tent

Doing stuff makes life more fun. I haven't done very much stuff lately, ergo I haven't been very much fun. In order to absolve myself from this sin, I will do some stuff every day in the next week for your amusement.


Today is the one day a year when society expects me to do something lovely for my boyfriend. I often do lovely things for him, but apparently today is a special day, so I thought I'd give him something he's always wanted: a tent on the bed.

I figured all I need to do is create some props around the bed and chuck my big blanket on top. I started with the maiden. I shoved it between the bed and the wall.

Then I put my stepladders between the bed and the settee. Pushed the settee in a bit to keep a firm hold.

I threw the blanket on top. Pretty good, eh?

It's quite a heavy blanket and it was already sagging a little in the middle. You don't want the tent falling down on you. So I secured it around the maiden and around the ladders using those plastic clip things that you get for food bags. I just wrapped a corner of blanket around the props and clipped over two layers of the blanket. Easy.

Looks better. But I wasn't happy about this corner; I felt my tent could have a little more ground space (or bed space, as it were).  

So I had to get another prop. First I shoved this bean bag fish into the gap between the mattress and the wall. Then I pushed James's flag into the same space, and shaped the fish around it, to hold the stick in place.

I propped the corner of the blanket up onto the flag. That's better.

For the other corner, I found my microphone stand. I secured the blanket over it by wrapping a piece over one of the screws and tying string around it. Job done.

So my tent was almost finished. One more thing I wanted to do - there is a big gap in one side. Meaning that side basically doesn't exist.

That's okay though; I own more blankets. I threw the little blanket on top, but that wasn't really good enough so I had to crawl through the tent and tidy it up.

That's a finished bed tent.

Now, as I did this last night, I actually had to take it down to go to bed (because with it being February I sleep wrapped up in that big blanket underneath the duvet). But I left the props up so I could just throw the blankets back on top this morning before heading out to work, so that the bed tent would be ready when James arrived.

And he loves his tent. James helped me to make a few modifications. We put a couple of cushions in the corners to create a little more room. James put a scatter cushion over the gap where the ladders are, which he is using as a hatch to reach his supplies (such as the chocolate I bought him).

And then we used this chair to fix it so that we could consume some audio-visual media from inside the tent.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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