Saturday, 14 March 2015

Spring time hanging basket

It's time to redesign the basket that hangs outside the front door with a spring theme because it's spring now.

First I went out for supplies. I got the Easter Grass from The Works (£1), the butterflies from Pound World, and the eggs and chicks from 99p stores.

First I lined the basket with the Easter Grass. It came in a big clump so I didn't pull it apart too much, that way it should stay put. Then I shoved some little chicks' feet into the green stuff. I twisted them around to get the feet entwined.

Next I took the butterflies and found out they were on bits of wire, which is lucky. I fixed the wire in place by just pushing the end through the greenery and folding it over.

The eggs are some sort of polystyrene / foam type thing, so it's pretty easy to get a needle through them. I used green cotton thread to tie them in place.

Ok, it looks pretty cool and Springy, but it doesn't look finished.

I think for once I'll have to put some flowers in here. Fake flowers, mind. So I went back to the 99p store and found these. I made stems for them by colouring in some cocktail sticks with a felt tip pen and glueing them in place.

Then I dipped the stems in glue and shoved them into the basket greenery.

Only one thing left to do - hang it up.

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