Sunday, 27 July 2014

I Made a Skirt from a Top

I was in a charity shop when I saw this top.

And I thought it would make a brilliant skirt.

Pretty simple craft - you just cut the top off under the arms and make a waistband where the neckline used to be.

For this one, I decided to make an elastic waistband so I folded a length of ribbon around the cut edge and stitched it together at the edge, creating a tunnel for the elastic.

I made it so the ribbon would overlap, and I left the last bit unfinished while I threaded the elastic through. The easiest way to do this (in my opinion) is to attach a safety pin to the elastic and push the pin through the tunnel.

Once it was through, I sewed the two ends of elastic together and stitched the last bit of ribbon in place.


Thursday, 17 July 2014

Painting glass

Hi! Sorry I've not posted for two months; I've been busy busy moving house. I know that's no excuse really. I have got a big(ish) project on the go, which is taking me FOREVER to finish (mainly because I've been busy procrastinating) - as soon as I have I'll tell you all about it.

Anywho, I thought you might want to know about these glass paints what that I got for my birthday (thanks, Mum).

We have lots of stuff in our new kitchen. Look at this utensils pot.

It's really useful unless you want to take out one thing without half of the other things trying to come with it. So I figure I need some more pots. And why would you buy more when you can make your own using this 'upcylcing' thing that the craft bloggers are always on about?

Enter the glass jar...

And the glass paint...

No, I'm not going to tell you how to use glass paint. It's paint. For glass.

I'm not all that good at it really. But I am a beginner. Anyway, surely life's more fun with asymmetrical butterflies?

And then I thought it's be fun to draw on it with a sharpie. Everything looks better once it's been sharpied.

And now my kitchen's just a little bit more useful :)