Saturday, 18 May 2013

Look at this dress what that I made!!

Here is a top that I hate. I mean, I don't think I have EVER liked this top. I'm not even sure why I own it.

I cut the sleeves off and sewed them together to make a waistband

Then I found this fabric that I love and I sewed two chunks of it to my waistband.

Next I put on what was left of mt top, wrapped the skirt around my waist and pinned it in place before sewing it on. I only sewed about three quarters of the way round. Mainly because I haven't worked out how to stitch stretchy fabric but let it still stretch.

Skirt in place, now to sort out the neck of this blasted top. Snip snip!!

And I cut out two triangles of the red fabric for a mock collar. 

Ooh, pretty. Finally, two buttons to fasten the skirt. I don't have a good picture for this, sorry. 

Here's my dress:

Monday, 6 May 2013

May Day Flowers

Today is May Day Bank Holiday. James and I wanted to do something to mark May Day. It is traditional in this country to collect flowers and greenery as a part of the celebrations for decorating the home, the festival site and yourself. In keeping with this tradition, we went out on the meadow to look for flowers. We didn't pick any though, because we want the wildlife to have them.
Here are some of the flowers we got to see.

I have been for walks on the meadow many a time before, but I found that with my camera I was paying far more attention to my surroundings, and I found the scenery much more enjoyable that way. We saw lots of bees and butterflies but most of them wouldn't stay still long enough for a decent picture (I think I got one bee and one hoverfly). It's been a really good May Day.