I'm gonna make a cake!
First I need 4 eggs, 8oz (226.8g) self raising flour, 8oz sugar and 8oz margarine.
I put it all in the bowl. We call this the 'all in one' method and it's for people who are lazy or don't have that much time.
Mix it up.
Put it in a tin.
Then I cover the tin in foil so the cake doesn't cook on the outside before it's cooked on the inside. It goes in the oven at 150 degrees for about an hour.
Cake!!! Stabby, stabby. Cake stabbing device comes out clean, and that means the cake is cooked through.
Now for the exciting bit - I'm learning to spin sugar today. I've put here a pan on the hob, a bowl of cold water sat on a sheet of baking paper. Got my fork there ready for when the sugar's melted.
Time to melt some sugar!
And now it's all melted I'll put the pan in the bowl of cold water. This stops the sugar from cooking any further and that way it'll all be the same shade of caramel when it's dry.
Now I've got to dip my fork in the sugar and flick the caramel onto the baking paper. I'm trying to make a faery wing.
Awesome! Now how the hell do I clean this?
Like this!!
This really works - the stuff stuck to the pan is just sugar, so it WILL dissolve.
Anywho... cake!!! I'm gonna make some pink glace icing (water + icing sugar + a drop of red food dye)
And then I'm gonna put my sugar faery wing on the icing.
Now I need a faery otherwise the wing won’t make any sense. I’m just gonna do a silhouette, since I’ve never attempted this technique before. I’ll draw the shape on some baking paper then turn the paper over and trace it with a piping gun.
Good. Now I have to cut it out and put it onto the cake. Then I'll leave it to dry out a bit and remove the paper in the morning.
Well. I may have to explain what the picture is supposed to be, but I'm still kinda proud of it.